Congregational Care Groups
Beulah is a family that cares and takes care of each other. We do this through several groups and teams. Whether it's praying for those hurting through the Prayer Team and the Prayer Shawl ministry, or sending notes of encouragement in the Card Ministry the love of God shines here at Beulah.
There is always a place to get involved and spread the love.
Congregational Care

Meeting every Monday at 10:00 am, the Card Ministry makes cards and prays for those that are receiving them. The cards go out to those away form home such as service man, college students, and those in the hospital.

If knitting or crocheting is one of your favorite pastimes, then this is the group for you. The Prayer Shawl Ministries group finds fellowship in a spiritual environment. They meet monthly to knit and crochet shawls. These shawls are then distributed to members of the community in need of comfort due to impending surgeries, illness, or loss of loved ones.

The Prayer Team meets on the last Wednesday of the month at 5:15 pm, in room 107. They also pray for the community, the people in the church and any prayer requests daily. If you have a prayer request please email us at office@beulah-church.com or you can also call the church office at 804-275-2325,

The Care's Team is made up of individuals who keep in contact and shares God's love and kindness with those who are not able to attend church, are homebound, or in a care facility.