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I will share my life with others to grow together

as disciples of Jesus Christ.


Beulah Church has many groups and studies where you can meet fellow believers

and grow in Christ together. Let's face it, no body wants to do life alone.


"Groups" are made up of small gatherings of people based off of a similar interests  and passions for life. Together the people in the groups are able to live a Christ centered life out together. 


The groups offered at Beulah are...


Beulah’s Best: meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am.  Beulah's Best is a time of fellowship, food, and good times. They often have musical guests and speakers.


Card Ministry: meets every Monday at 10:00 am, The Card ministry makes homemade cards for the homebound, those on the prayer list, and loved ones of the church. This fun and energetic group is open to anyone at any skill level.


Matter of Balance Class: meeting in an eight week session, they focus on techniques to support physical health in an everyday practical way.


Prayer Shawl Ministry: meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1:30 pm, The Prayer Shawl Ministry was created for the purpose of showing love and understanding and many times of joy for those people to whom they are given. It is made up of knitters and crocheters who bring their projects to the meetings. The shawls are give to those going through a difficult time and need to be wrapped in God's arms of  peace. Shawls can be found at the Information Center.


 Beulah Methodist Men: meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm, The men's ministry at Beulah have a monthly dinner and meeting filled with comradery. They also assist with other ministries in the church and offer their talents to the community.


United Women of Faith: meets at various times, Beulah's United Women of Faith make up the women's ministry. They are made up of women of various ages and background. They also assist the community in many outreach and missional ways. Please check out the link below to find out more about this wonderful group.





Studying the Bible and growing in God's will and word is very important to us at Beulah.  From Sunday School Classes to Bible studies, there are many opportunities to learn about God together.


Sunday School groups meet at 9:45 am every Sunday.


Adult Sunday School

Crusaders: Room 108

Harvey: Room 106

Mariners: Room 109

New Centurions: Room 250

Pathfinders: Room 246

Sojourner Disciples of God: Room 249

Word Seekers: Room 112


Next Gen Sunday School

Nursery (ages Newborn to 4 years)

Children’s (grades K - 5): Room 110

Youth (grades 6-12): Room 242


There are other bible studies offered other than Sundays.


Men’s Bible Study:  meets every Monday at 10:00 am, as an extension of the Beulah Methodist Men, this fun Bible study offers men an opportunity to take their studies and faith walk to the next level while surrounded by others on their own journeys.  


Springdale Bible Study: meets the 4th Tuesday of the month, This bible study is lead by Pastor Don at Springdale at Lucy Corr. This bible study also offers the opportunity for communion for those who would not normally be able to make it to a church service. 


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